Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Applying a patch updates your existing system in various ways, from adding a new feature or product, to improving system performance. Throughout the course of an Oracle Applications life cycle, patches are applied to maintain your system. This maintenance process may be necessary for a number of reasons, including, but not limited to:
  • Fixing an existing issue
  • Adding a new feature or functionality
  • Updating to a higher maintenance level
  • Applying the latest product enhancements
  • Providing interoperability to new technology stacks
Depending on its type, a patch may update the system files, the database, or both. In addition, you can apply patches to other tiers according to your system architecture.

Patch File Structure
Patches generally consist of a top-level directory that may contain several files, and one or more subdirectories. The top-level directory is named <patchnum>, where <patchnum> is the number of the patch. The most important files in the top-level directory are:
README.txt, README.html and the unified driver file (named u<patchnum>.drv).
The README.txt or README.html file describes what the patch does.  
The unified driver, named u<patchnum>.drv, contains the commands necessary to change files and database objects, and to generate new objects. It contains a sequential list of copy, database, and generate instructions, which are arranged in sections.
Patch Formats - The way the patch is packaged and applied
Oracle Applications patches are released in the following formats:
Individual bug fix - patch that fixes an existing issue.
Product family release update pack (product family RUP) - patches aggregation for specific product family
Release update pack (RUP) - cumulative aggregation of product family release update packs
In Release 12, Oracle Applications patches are grouped into codelines. A codeline begins with a point release (for example, Release 12.0) consisting of a unique set of product features, and progresses to include all the patches created to maintain that point release. The initial Release 12.0 point release introduced codeline A. Additional point releases introduce new codelines, each identified by a unique letter. For example, Release 12.1 introduced codeline B, and Release 12.2 is expected to introduce codeline C.
We describe this unique set of product features for a point release as a codelevel and assign it a unique number.

Patching Utilities
Patches are applied and tracked as needed by using one of the utilities designed specifically for that purpose. Some of these utilities are run from the command line, and others are Web-based.
AutoPatch is the utility you use to apply patches to the Oracle Applications file system or database.
AD Merge Patch (admrgpch merges multiple patches into a single patch so that the required tasks and processes are performed only once.
Patch Application Assistant (admsi.plhelps you track and perform manual steps during patching, and provides consistency in the format of manual steps.

Web-Based Patching Utilities -  access these utilities under the system administration responsibility.
Applied Patches - enables you to query the patch history database for a list of patches that have been applied to your system. 

File History - a history of the files that have been updated by a patch
Patch Wizard - to keep abreast of new patches that are recommended, and analyze their effects before you actually apply them. 
Timing Reports - help you monitor a job that is running or provide you with a view of the statistics from completed AutoPatch and AD Administration maintenance sessions.
Register Flagged Files - provides a central register for your customizations.
Software Updates - view all the patching-related activities of your system.

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